
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not…

How to tell if a woman is interested in you by following 3 easy steps…

By: Ben Ezra

The famous and well-known saying, “he loves me, he loves me not” has somehow evolved overtime to the much more prominent, and rapidly growing saying, “she loves me, she loves me not.” Why is this you ask? Well, it seems to me that over the years, men have become just as clueless as women on this topic, although it is very easy for a woman to read if a man fancy’s her in this day and age (at least most of the time)… I guess you can say the tables have turned!

These days, it’s extremely easy for most women to tell if a guy is interested in them, and trust me… You don’t have to go as far as verbally telling her! Women naturally pick up on these kinds of things – I guess you can call it a 6th sense.

But here is where the problem lies…

It has become way too EASY! There is absolutely no challenge for them anymore, no excitement… You guy’s mind as well walk around with a post-it note stuck to the top of your forehead, that has the full name of the woman you are interested in, and write something like, “I really really like you and want you, please have sex with me now” and you would probably be communicating the exact same thing!

You have probably heard it before, but let me refresh your memory: WOMEN LOVE A CHALLENGE! They don’t want men to be extremely easy, and they don’t want to always be able to read you, because that’s just plain old boring! But this is an entirely different topic in itself… So let’s stay on track here.

The BIG problem though is this: 95% of men can’t tell if, or when, a woman is interested in them. If there is any one thing that most men REALLY suck at, it’s this! It’s all Greek to them. I mean, most men are so blinded to this that, a woman can literally be giving them the most seductive “I want you look”, and the guy would be thinking to himself… “Gosh! She’s so god damn beautiful – I wish she was interested in me.”


Some men simply never get the hint… Even if it hits them in the face! Well, I’m going to make sure that you don’t end up like one of those men. If a woman is “checking you out” you deserve to know about it!

There’s this girl you like but you can’t seem to pin down if she’s interested in you, so what do you do? How can you find out if she is interested in you without directly having to as her (like most losers do)? What are some give-away signals you should stay on the look out for?

Awesome! I thought you would never ask…

Body Language

The first and foremost give-away signal is her body language. How does she stand when she is around you? Is her body in an open and relaxed state, or does she constantly cross her arms while talking to you? Where are her eyes looking? Do her pupils dilate when she speaks to you? All these things are signs you should constantly be able to spot at any given moment in time!

A woman who is interested in you will usually lean towards you during conversation instead of away; they will move in close. They will make direct-eye contact with you occasionally, and then possibly give you that little “come approach me” or “I like you” smile… They will constantly be spotted around you. When speaking to her, her eyes will dilate (this means she is interested in what you are saying, possibly intrigued). If she is constantly fidgeting around you, this might mean she is uncomfortable, or possibly nervous…

You have to constantly stay on the look out for these kinds of things! A great book you might want to consider checking out on this topic is called, The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan and Barbara Pease. There are a lot of useful tips in there! To purchase this book click here.

Occasional Touching

The second best way to gauge a woman’s interest level towards you is by staying on the look out for occasional touching. Yep, as obvious as this may sound, you may be surprised to know how so many men overlook this gesture, by simply thinking something like, “so what if she touches me, she touches her little brother too, that doesn’t mean she wants to sleep with him…” (Which I also hope is true)

Well, your right! But it all depends on when, where and how she touches you… This is where a lot of men get mixed up. There is a difference between a, “I think you’re a cool friend pat on the back” and a “you are making me so hot right now, take me to bed” tight grip of your shoulder. Sometimes it’s obvious and sometimes, not so much, so that is why you got to really pay attention! You may also take the initiative yourself and simply begin massaging her hand while speaking to her… If she is ok with this, and she seems to be enjoying it very much (maybe even blushing) then you know she at least has some level of interest. If she didn’t she would probably be very uncomfortable, and it would show.

This would be a good time to also read her body language, like the pace at which she moves, or where her eyes are positioned… The next time a woman touches your arm while having a conversation with you, let that trigger your radar. That little signal just might end up meaning… (I’ll leave the rest to your imagination).

Asking Qualifying Questions

So now you know the two main ways of finding out if a woman might be interested in you, but were not finished yet. There is still one very effective technique you may use to your benefit while trying to correctly gauge a woman’s interest level towards you. It’s as simple as asking a question (literally). But, it obviously can’t be any out of the blue question like, “do you prefer the color pink over black?” or a very straight up question like, “so, do you find me interesting?” that would just be dumb!

You have to ask qualifying questions by saying something like, “I really like it when a woman isn’t scared of taking a few risks here and there… It shows a lot of character… Do you take risks?” A question of this sort immediately puts the woman in a position where she is going to most likely want to say yes, if she is interested in you that is… If not, she will probably say something like, “not really” or simply a flat out, “no.”

Like with anything, it is impossible to say that you will correctly interpret everything a woman ever says or does by following these steps, but I can definitely guarantee you that, if you currently have trouble finding out if a woman is interested in you, then these three simple steps and techniques will save you a lot of time and future frustration! The next time a woman is “checking you out” you will be more than ready to proceed accordingly.

You can find out a lot more in-depth information on this topic from my Modern World Dating System specifically designed to answer all of your dating questions – Plus a lot more!

If you would like more information click here.


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